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After 12 years and thousands of exams, we have a thorough awareness of the various questions our patients have regarding the immigration medical exam (I-693). To facilitate getting you answers quickly, we have created a FAQ’s list that will answer most any question you have.

  • ​ Can I get my Immigration Medical Exam (IME / I-693) completed by my family doctor?
    No, the exam must be completed by a USCIS-certified Civil Surgeon.
  • Can I use my health insurance for my Immigration Medical Exam?
    Health insurance will NOT cover the costs of an immigration medical exam in ANY office. However, we make every effort to get the cost of any necessary vaccines covered by your insurance. Please call your insurance company prior to your appointment to find out if preventive vaccines are covered outside of your deductible. Please do not attempt to get your vaccines before your appointment so that Dr. Wingo can advise you of which ones you will need. Everyone will not be required to receive all vaccines.
  • What if I do not have medical insurance?
    We provide the vaccines at an affordable rate for your convenience. However, if you prefer, you may go to your family doctor, a local pharmacy or health department to get your vaccines. Again, please do not attempt to get your vaccines before your appointment with Dr. Wingo.
  • What is the cost of the Immigration Medical Exam?
    The base price of the exam is $420 - this includes all required lab tests. (PLEASE NOTE: there is NO charge for a Second Visit, and in most cases, there is NO need for a second visit.) Beyond the base price, the final cost of your exam will depend on how many vaccines you need, and rarely, how much coordination of care your exam requires. The maximum cost of an exam in our office is $930, but this is ONLY IF you need all vaccines, and you receive them from us at our lower prices. The most common final price range is $420-$740. Please understand that our pricing reflects the fact that our office is a "one-stop shop"; unlike many others who do not provide labs and vaccinations at the time of your appointment. **You do NOT have to get your vaccines from us. If you can get your vaccines with private health insurance, through the health department, or a community clinic, Dr. Wingo is happy to write you a prescription you can take to that facility. **For repeat/updated exams, we provide a significant discount. **Health insurance will NOT cover the base price of the exam, but may cover the cost of your vaccinations. **The specific vaccinations you will need can only be determined by Dr. Wingo at the time of your exam by speaking with you and reviewing any records you may have. **Please do NOT attempt to get your vaccines before your appointment as this may cause you to receive unnecessary vaccines and spend more than you need to. Also, please do NOT delay your exam waiting on vaccine records as they frequently do not change which vaccines you will need now. ***The quickest and most cost-effective way to complete your immigration medical exam is to sit down with Dr. Wingo ASAP.
  • What do I need to bring with me to my appointment?
    Items to bring to your initial appointment include: 1) Passport (other forms of identification may be acceptable if your passport is not available) 2) Vaccination records if you have them (it’s ok if you don’t) 3) A list of medications (if applicable) 4)Your Alien / A-number if you have one (also listed as the "USCIS Number" on the Employment Authorization Card) 5) If you have health insurance, please bring your card with you. 6) If you have completed this exam in the past, please bring a copy of that exam with you. **You do NOT need to fast for this appointment. It is important to hydrate well.*** **Please refrain from wearing perfumes or strong smells to your appointment as many of our staff and patients are sensitive***
  • What forms of payment do you accept?
    Major credit or debit cards, check (must be pre-printed with your name, address and phone number, and able to be deposited immediately) and cash.
  • Do you charge a single fee for the exam, or do you charge per visit?
    At Atlas Healthcare, you pay only once for your exam on the day of your first visit. Additional charges will only be incurred if additional services are required such as x-rays, treatment, additional vaccines and/or coordination of care.
  • Will you accommodate urgent or same-day appointments?
    Yes, at Atlas Healthcare, we are happy to accept urgent appointment requests if at all possible.
  • Does your clinic allow online booking?
    Yes, at Atlas Healthcare, you can conveniently book your appointment through our booking link at a time that fits your schedule. If the day and time you desire is not available, you can add your name to a “waitlist”, and we will approve your request if at all possible. We also offer walk-in hours available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00am-2:00pm
  • If my exam expires for any reason, do I have to pay full price for a repeat exam?
    No! At Atlas Healthcare, we perform exams for our repeat clients at a greatly reduced cost. We give you a large discount on the base price and will bring forward anything we can use from your previous exam.
  • What if I do not wish to take vaccines? Especially a Covid-19 vaccine?
    The vaccination requirements are set by USCIS based on guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), not Dr. Wingo. All required vaccines must be as up to date as possible, including a Covid-19 vaccine approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), unless you have a well-documented reason you cannot take the vaccine signed by your physician. Dr. Wingo is NOT able to help you get out of this requirement. Please follow the link below for additional information:
  • Will I have to get vaccinations if I am pregnant?
    Some vaccines are considered safe during pregnancy while others are not. Dr. Wingo knows which vaccines are considered safe, but understands that expectant mothers, and fathers, have legitimate concerns. Thus, Dr. Wingo encourages you to ask your OB/GYN, prior to your appointment, which vaccines he/she is comfortable with you receiving at the time of your exam. If your OB/GYN is not comfortable with you receiving vaccines that are considered safe in pregnancy, please have him/her provide you a written statement to be included in your sealed envelope with your I-693 exam.
  • Can you provide all required vaccines in-house?
    Yes! At Atlas Healthcare, we can provide all required vaccines in-house.
  • Are you a waiver-friendly practice?
    An applicant’s choice to request a waiver is hers or his alone, not the Civil Surgeon’s. As such, it is important to note that the waiver process is a legal process, not a medical one. USCIS requires that the paperwork for this process be completed by the applicant, or the applicant’s attorney, not the Civil Surgeon. The Civil Surgeon’s mandate in completing the immigration medical exam in this matter is straightforward. Dr. Wingo does not believe the applicant’s choice regarding a waiver should determine whether or not a Civil Surgeon will complete her/his exam. Dr. Wingo understands that vaccines are a controversial topic, and respects everyone’s right to make decisions for her/himself. Regarding any medical matter, Dr . Wingo will offer education, and answer questions based on reputable, peer-reviewed medical literature. When requested, he will also offer perspective and a recommendation; but ultimately the decision regarding a waiver is up to the applicant.
  • How much time does the exam take?
    The exam usually takes about 45 minutes depending on your individual circumstances.
  • ​ Can my exam be completed in a single visit?
    Yes, in the majority of cases.
  • How long will it take for me to receive my completed exam in a sealed envelope?
    The majority of the time you will receive your completed exam within one week. In the rare instance one of your lab tests is positive, it will take longer depending on the unique circumstances of your case. Please see the above question and answer for a more detailed explanation. Please note, to offer the most convenience and quickest turnaround time for our clients, we provide all of our laboratory services and vaccinations in one convenient location. In addition, we are in the office 4-5 days per week, including Dr. Wingo. This means we are available for questions or concerns that may arise during your immigration medical exam process. Our clients appreciate the freedom, flexibility and cost-effective approach we take.
  • How will I received my sealed IME and Exam?
    Once your exam is complete and sealed, you will receive a notification that it is ready to be picked up. Please do not walk in without receiving a notification as your exam will not be ready and we will likely not be able to complete your exam at that time. With your permission, you will receive your copy of your exam via email.
  • What do I do with my sealed envelope?
    If you have an interview scheduled with USCIS, you will usually take the envelope with you to the interview. If not, and you are working with an attorney, you can give it to your attorney. If neither of these situations apply, you should submit the sealed envelope to USCIS as directed in their latest correspondence to you. IMPORTANT: You must protect your sealed envelope from any alterations. USCIS will not accept your Immigration Medical Exam (I-693) if the sealed envelope appears to have been tampered with in any way.
  • How many days will I need to take off work?
    At Atlas Healthcare, you will only need to be off work for a partial day. Your total appointment time in-office will usually be less than 1 hour.
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